This week, the government decided that volunteers aren’t allowed to deliver leaflets. Implementing a tactic of voter suppression, telling volunteers they can not deliver leaflets but that it’s okay to pay people to deliver those same leaflets, along with constituency gerrymandering and compulsory voter ID, is not a just democracy.
The Liberal Democrats stated that the government is setting “a dangerous precedent” by preventing activists from delivering essential election literature.
Our co-leader, Jonathan Bartley, told inews: ‘There are serious questions about who is empowered to make such a decision in a democracy. To avoid conflicts of interest this should be decided by a body such as the Electoral Commission, not a party that stands to gain from the decision. Greens want elections to be held as soon as it is practically safe for the whole democratic process to take place, including community campaigning, which is a crucial part of allowing people to have a genuine choice of parties to vote for. That may mean we have to delay the May elections.’
Read the full inews story here and learn more about the government’s restrictions here