The UK’s independent Climate Change Committee released findings showing that the rise in climate effects are not being met with sufficient action from the government.
Covering the findings, The Independent writes:
‘The UK is less prepared now than it was five years ago for the escalating effects of the climate crisis on people and wildlife, according to the government’s own advisers.
As CO2 levels continue to climb, the UK is experiencing more intense heatwaves, wildfires and floods, and greater risks to its food supply and health systems, the experts say.’
Stating that ‘many of the UK’s worsening climate effects are now “baked in” for decades to come, according to the report, which was compiled by more than 450 scientists and experts across the UK.
By 2050, the chances of an extreme heatwave occurring in any year could reach 50 per cent, while sea levels could rise to be a further 10cm-30cm above those of 1981-2000.
“The overall level of risk facing the UK has increased over the last five years and adaptation is not keeping pace with the rate at which the climate is changing,” Baroness Brown of Cambridge, chair of the CCC’s adaptation committee, said on Monday.’
Caroline Lucas calls the findings devastating, saying:
‘[It lays] out in forensic detail the cost of successive governments’ failure to take the necessary action on the climate emergency.
Almost every warning light on the climate dashboard is going from amber to red. This has to serve as a call to action, far beyond the piecemeal policies and programmes the government has put in place.’