Watch co-leader Carla Denyer making a case for supporting our Fairer Greener Communities election campaign!
The Green Party is leading an energy revolution that will reduce emissions and cut fuel bills.
At our local election campaign launch, co leaders Carla Denyer and Adrian Ramsay pledged to invest in insulating and installing renewable energy in homes across the country, like in Lewes where we worked with neighbouring councils to retrofit 40,000 council homes.
The launch was held at a housing estate in south east London at risk of demolition by Lambeth Council.
Carla Denyer said:
“In the middle of this cost of living crisis, we know what needs to be done and yet the government is falling so chronically short.
Insulation programmes don’t sound very glamorous but what they can deliver is nothing short of incredible.
“Imagine – a warm, snug home even on the coldest days. Little to no heating bill at all. A neighbourhood that has almost zero emissions.
“That’s what Greens are pushing for alongside local residents.”