Two years after Green Councillor, Carla Denyer, made the first ‘Climate Emergency’ declaration, we look back on how the first declaration came to be. Followed by news from The Green Party’s Action on Climate Emergency Officer, Julian Dean, on what Greens have done since to turn that declaration to action.
- Become a Green Party Member
- Not ready to become a member? Become a Green Friend instead. (or share our friendship offer with friends/family)
- Lobby your MP to support the Climate & Ecological Emergency Bill, being proposed by Caroline Lucas
- Learn to communicate solutions by putting ourselves in the shoes of other people who aren’t climate activists already! Carla suggests the report ‘Britain Talks Climate’ is particularly useful.
- Divest (check out Triodos)
- Retrofit your home
- Invest in renewable energy (Ecotricity)
- Get involved with your local authority’s Climate Emergency action