In this #GreenFuture episode, The Green Party’s Tyrone Scott shares a conversation with Bill Dunster from Zed Power, a green architectural firm contributing to a revolution in zero-carbon design and development. Agamemnon Otero the former CEO of Repowering London, current CEO of Energy Gardens. And Lauren James, Deputy Leader of the Welsh Green Party.
Together, they discussed whether perceived leverage points within the Green Housing really solve fuel poverty and help us reach zero carbon by 2030 or earlier.
- (deep) Retrofitting existing homes to provide Green, warm homes and reduce carbon emissions. This will prevent fuel poverty and create quality jobs for local communities in every area of the UK.
- All new builds should meet Passivhaus (or equivalent) standard which uses 90% less energy for heating than the average home – saving people money while saving the environment. Greens believe lower-income households should be the first to receive green homes and all new builds should be close to pedestrian accessible transport routes, as well as local shops and schools.
- Local authorities should have the funding to make decisions about housing on the basis of the need in their area to encourage small energy-efficient building projects and retrofits as opposed to large new estates.
- Lauren Sign the Greens’ petition to create a tax incentive to favour retrofit instead of demolition and new builds.
- Agamemnon suggests exploring your local Community Energy Project in ENGLAND or WALES, and get involved with green housing responses within your local Transition Network. He also suggests that local councillors push contractors to work with local people to upgrade the intellectual wealth, and works, of the people indigenous to that place.
- Bill suggests a combined effort of creating community access to a ‘Library of Things‘ with a local shared tool bank including 3D printing combined with free software and training sessions to empower the local community to upskill and green up their homes. Think a Haynes Manual for Green Housing. He believes we can break the loop by going back to first principles and democratizing the technology and physical opportunity of doing the work.
- Check out this conversation with John Christophers, from ‘Zero Carbon House’ in conversation with Julian Dean, Green Party Climate Action Officer. The discussion covers many aspects of the ‘zero carbon agenda’ for sustainable buildings and how local authorities should respond.
- Consider taking a course with the Centre for Alternative Technology, read the books listed below (for a mindset shift on governance and economy), check out Energy Garden’s next event, or ours.