Anthony Slaughter told ITV News Wales that a Green in the Senedd is vital to hold politicians to account, ahead of the Senedd election 6 May saying:
‘I think Greens in the Senedd are vital for the future. We’re in decades of an emergency. The climate emergency is real and we’ve only got limited time to tackle this now. Obviously Greens aren’t going to form the next government in the Senedd, but that Green voice of scrutiny, holding those politicians to account, making them deliver on the warm words and promises they have made.’
In the Wales Debate 2021, Amelia Womack urged voters not to waste their regional ballot on a Labour vote, saying:
‘.. Green scrutiny is essential to post pandemic recovery. Experts are saying on most regional ballots it’s between us, Abolish and the Tories. Historically, over 1 million Labour votes have been wasted on that list. Don’t waste yours. Vote Green and together we can transform Wales.’