What are the global green challengeswhen it comes to Green Party policy? How do Green Party policies work to take responsibility for historic emissions and current evasions? How do we account for compensation and reparations? In this episode of our policy series Carne Ross, our Global Solidarity spokesperson, Cleo Lake, ex-Lord Green Mayor of Bristol, Anika Jane Dorothy, Executive Director of the Green Congress of Kenya (GCK), and members of our Green Party Policy Working Groups discuss where our policies are at and where they still need to go.
With COP 26 coming up later this year, we’ve begun exploring our policies with members and supporters each fortnight, so together we can understand, advocate for, and implement, Green policies which create a Green Wave locally, nationally and globally.
With each episode we’d like to remind you that no policy is an island, all policies impact emissions, equality and jobs, and none of our policies work alone. They connect to create a web of change that devolves power to communities, enhances the lives and rights of all living things, and bring justice and equity to both people and planet.