A Green Future For West Yorkshire
This week, Andrew Cooper, Green candidate for mayor in West Yorkshire, knows and West Yorkshire Greens showed us what a #GreenFuture can be.
Green Party members and supporters across England and Wales are making a difference in their communities in all kinds of ways. From building regenerative gardens to providing meals for vulnerable people, developing renewable energy projects to helping their local councils face up to the climate emergency and become more sustainable, we’re getting involved in the things that really matter to all of us. Here are just some highlights of what we’re up to!
This week, Andrew Cooper, Green candidate for mayor in West Yorkshire, knows and West Yorkshire Greens showed us what a #GreenFuture can be.
At the ITV debate for the candidates for London mayor, Sian Berry said that Greens are offering a real Green recovery where we work together to build a secure future.
This week, Wales Green Party aired their PEB. In the words of Amelia Womack, 'if you want green, vote green'.
The Green Party has a clear 10-point plan with policies that would achieve the new targets in the context of a green new deal.
One hundred cross-party candidates from five parties have made a pledge to support the pilot of UBI ahead of the Senedd elections in May.
The Green Party has called for a full public and judge-led inquiry into the government’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic on the one year anniversary of the first national lockdown.
This week, Sian Berry launched her campaign for London Mayor, pledging to strengthen renters rights and ban unfair evictions.
After suggesting her #CurfewForMen, Green Baroness Jenny Jones has defended her position.