Greens call for more protection for schools
The Green Party urged the government to introduce additional measures to protect schools, save lives and avoid another lockdown.
Green Party members and supporters across England and Wales are making a difference in their communities in all kinds of ways. From building regenerative gardens to providing meals for vulnerable people, developing renewable energy projects to helping their local councils face up to the climate emergency and become more sustainable, we’re getting involved in the things that really matter to all of us. Here are just some highlights of what we’re up to!
The Green Party urged the government to introduce additional measures to protect schools, save lives and avoid another lockdown.
The Big Issue shared Green Peer Natalie Bennett's plan to kick-start a green trading revolution for a truly just financial system.
Sian Berry's new bus shelters respond to problems raised by Londoners with the current transport infrastructure.
Caroline Lucas is calling on Rishi Sunak to ensure jobs, communities and the social value of the high street are protected.
It is imperative that all people in all countries around the world are vaccinated for COVID-19 at the same rate. Because no one is safe until all are safe. Still, countries in the Global South, who not only have to pay far more for the vaccines than the UK,...
The planned coal mine in Cumbria, is having a hard time gaining national support. A recent poll shows that half the population want ministers to block it on climate grounds, only 9% of people surveyed believed the coal mine would be positive. Jonathan Bartley, Green Party co-leader, said: ‘This...
We have launched a petition aimed at creating a tax incentive to favour retrofit instead of demolition and new build.
An economist at the University of Cambridge, Prof Sir Partha Dasgupta published a report stating that ‘the word’s worsening biodiversity crisis is linked to a “deep-rooted, widespread institutional failure” to recognise the value of nature’. The report, commissioned by the Treasury in 2019, goes on to say that our...