Systems Change: Land & Food Justice
Find out how Green Party policies work to reduce the impacts of land use, while enhancing social and environmental justice?
Find out how Green Party policies work to reduce the impacts of land use, while enhancing social and environmental justice?
Everything is connected! Work, health and home are all green issues — and regeneration of our soil plays a role in turning those crises into solutions that make our world a more just and equitable place. For this conversation, we invited Finian Makepeace from agroecological farming / regenerative farming...
When we work together, our common ground becomes our path to progress. This is how we turn ideas into action, and action into lasting systems change.
Better is possible, when activists become advocates for systems change by getting involved in shaping the policies and plans.
What is happening to our climate and the environment affects every part of modern life - our homes and transport, our industries and opportunities for work, the air we breathe, the food we eat.