Green Party 2021 Policy Series
A roundup of our 2021 events explaining Green Party policy as it relates to Climate Emergency. Featuring experts from our working groups.
A roundup of our 2021 events explaining Green Party policy as it relates to Climate Emergency. Featuring experts from our working groups.
The transport sector produces a lot of greenhouse gas emissions. Green Party policies work to alleviate those emissions.
How Green Party policies within infrastructure and industry facilitate a ‘just transition’ that create social and environmental justice
As we power up with green energy generation we simultaneously have to power down on our energy and electricity consumption. Because even with renewables we can’t keep consuming at our current rate.
Carbon tax and its limitations. As well as how Green Party policy helps shift our economy from consumption-led economy to investment lead.
Green Party policies create a web of systems change and acknowledge the impact on emissions, equality and jobs each element creates.
The Green Party aims to implement laws and policies that encourage vaccine solidarity, not vaccine nationalism.
Universal Basic Income allows all adults to receive a no-strings-attached sum at a level above their subsistence needs. Providing a security blanket and opportunity for all of us to live a fulfilling life.